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World's Best Workforce
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World's Best Workforce

World's Best Workforce

The World's Best Workforce (WBWF) was developed in 2013 (Minnesota Statutes, section 120B.11) to ensure that school districts and charter schools in Minnesota enhance student achievement through teaching and learning supports. School boards that govern districts and charter schools are required to develop comprehensive, long-term strategic plans that address the following five WBWF goals:

  • All children are ready for school.

  • All third-graders can read at grade level.

  • All racial and economic achievement gaps between students are closed.

  • All students are ready for career and college.

  • All students graduate from high school.

Minnesota Statutes, section 120B.10, requires school boards to establish advisory committees. The advisory committee should:

  • Ensure that community members have an opportunity to participate in the strategic planning process.  

  • Be reflective of the district's diversity and its schools, and thus include, to the extent possible, teachers, parents/guardians, support staff, students, and other community residents.

  • Make recommendations to the school board concerning rigorous academic standards and student achievement goals and measures.

Minneapolis Public Schools’ (MPS) World’s Best Workforce Committee members, appointed by the MPS Board of Education, meet monthly. Materials from these meetings, in addition to other WBWF documents,  are available under “Resources”.