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Non-Public Schools - Services Overview

Non-Public Schools - Services Overview

For the Nonpublic Title Services Manual and all other forms, including the online pre-approval request, please see the Non-Public Google Site

Eligible private schools located within the geographic attendance boundaries of Minneapolis Public Schools (MPS) are given the option of participating in equitable services for private school students and staff under the Elementary Secondary Education Act (ESEA).  Under ESEA school districts are required to provide eligible children attending private elementary and secondary schools, their teachers and their families with services or other benefits that are equitable to those provided to eligible public school children, their teachers, and their families.  Services, not funding, are provided by the district to eligible students, their families, and staff at the nonpublic school sites.  MPS currently provides services to 17 nonpublic schools.

MPS provides services in three areas under ESEA:

Title I, Part A: These are educational services that supplement students’ education at the private school so that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education.  Generally, to qualify for assistance under Title I, a student must reside within the attendance area of a participating public school located in a low-income area and be failing, or at risk of failing, to meet student academic achievement standards.  MPS provides instructional services before, during and after school in reading and math as well as support services such as academic counseling.

Title II, Part A:  These are professional development services that supplement professional development provided to private school teachers, principals, and other educational personnel at the private school.  The law requires that all uses of Title II, Part A funds supplement non-federal funds (i.e., private school funds) that would otherwise be used for activities.  Professional development provided with federal funds needs to be in addition to, and not in place of, what the private school would otherwise provide.  These services can be provided in areas such as training, workshops/conferences, mentoring/coaching, professional learning communities, etc.

Title III: These are supplemental language instruction services to teach English to limited English proficient and immigrant students as well as assist them in achieving grade-level and graduation standards.  Professional development services can also be provided to private school staff to support them in serving English learners.  MPS provides instructional services before, during and after school in English as well as professional development to staff.

Title IV, Part A: The purpose of this annual program is to improve access to a holistic education. Minnesota received approximately $12 million dollars FY20. Title IV, Part A funds are distributed to Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) as a formula grants to LEAs that spent Title I, Part A awards during the prior fiscal year. Title IV, Part A is for improving student academic achievement through activities and programs in three broad areas: Well-Rounded Education, Safe and Healthy Students, and Effective Use of Technology.

All of these services are planned and provided through meaningful consultation with private school officials.  Together, district personnel and private school officials determine what services best meet the needs of participating children and staff.

All equitable services under ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act, formerly No Child Left Behind) are secular, neutral, and non-ideological. All goods and materials used for equitable services for private schools are the property of the district.