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Accountability Measures
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Accountability Measures

Accountability Measures

The North Star accountability system tries to look at student achievement more holistically than specific test scores show. The five key performance indicators under North Star are: 

  • Academic Achievement

The number of students at "Meets Standards" or "Exceed Standards" achievement levels, divided by all students in tested grades. Calculated separately for math and reading.

  • Progress Towards English Language Proficiency 

A score based on students' achievement levels from one year to the next. Calculated separately for math and reading.

  • Academic Progress

A score based on students' achievement levels from one year to the next. Calculated separately for math and reading.

  • Graduation Rates

A percentage of students who graduated in four years and seven years.

  • Consistent Attendance

The percentage of students attending more than 90 percent of the days they are enrolled 

All measures are averaged over the last three years of available data, and all student groups with at least 20 students are equally weighted within each measure.