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Recognition Schools
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Recognition Schools

Recognition Schools

The following schools have been recognized for their achievement overall, or for specific students groups, on one or more of the state’s accountability measures.

State Accountability Recognition Category

School and Student Group Recognized

Top 5% of schools on
English Learner Progress toward Proficiency

Marcy Open – English Learner Students

Top 5% of schools on
reading progress

Anthony – Multiracial Students

Lake Harriet Upper – Asian Students

Top 5% of schools on
math progress

Anthony – Asian Students

Hale – Overall

Top 5% of schools on
four-year graduation rate

Southwest School-within-a-School – Overall

Southwest School-within-a-School – Students who are eligible for free or reduced-price lunch

Top 5% of schools on
consistent attendance

Andersen – Asian Students

Bryn Mawr – Asian Students

Burroughs – Asian Students

Jenny Lind – Asian Students

Loring – Asian Students

Lyndale – Hispanic Students

MPS Online Learning – Overall

MPS Online Learning – Students who are eligible for free or reduced-price lunch

Olson – Asian Students

Seward – Asian Students

Wellstone School-within-a-School – Black Students

Wellstone School-within-a-School – Students who are eligible for free or reduced-price lunch